Shards Track List

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Vintage Jingles 18-20


Track 18: Robert Hall Clothing Store

Robert Hall was a nationwide low-cost clothing chain. Their interiors were plain and simple, the clothes displayed on what were called “plain-pipe coat racks”.

When the values go up, up, up
And the prices go down, down, down
Robert Hall this season
will show you the reason
Low overhead, low overhead

Track 19: Sal Hepatica

A laxative. Bet you would have never guessed.

(Weird vocalization)
For the smile of health
For the smile of health
Sal Hepatica for the smile of health
(weird vocalization)

Track 20: Super Suds

A pre-detergent laundry soap. Laundry soap used to be plain soap, milled into flakes. Super Suds sponsored the Blondie radio show, which began with the announcer saying:

Uh uh uh uh!
Don’t touch that dial!
Listen to
(Then Dagwood would desperately yell)

A curious feature of mid-century USA was the wise-wife-hapless-husband motif, popular in radio shows, comic strips and comic books. Odd considering the total cultural domination and control by the patriarchy at the time––women couldn’t even get their own credit cards. Highly WTF, although, of course, no one said that phrase then. A classic three-rep jingle.

Super Suds, Super Suds
Lots more suds, with Super Su-uuds


  1. Jacek on 1907
  2. Barry Chern on 1907


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