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My Ideal

Music, Richard A. Whiting (1891–1938) and Newell Chase (1904–1955); words, Leo Robin (1900–1984)

This song has charmed me since childhood. The exquisite melody, to me, evokes the longing for that perfect romantic partner that will make the world seem right. The melody and chords over the part that goes, “…just around the corner, waiting for me” still gives me shivers. Of the 100 songs, this is the earliest one that I worked out and performed, back in 1976, with the Unholy Modal Rounders.

For more information about Richard A. Whiting, see my 1918 selection, “Till We Meet Again”, also written by him. Newell Chase, his musical co-writer, is not credited with many other hits, but he went from church organist to band leader to a long-running career in Hollywood, scoring films and radio shows. Leo Robin is known for his hits “Ain’t We Got Fun”, “Hooray For Hollywood”, and “On the Good Ship Lollipop”. Robin’s main collaborator was Ralph Rainger. Together, they are known for, among others, “Thanks For The Memory” and “Blue Hawaii”.

  1. Jacek on 1907
  2. Barry Chern on 1907


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