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Earth To Grandma

Music, Randy Cheek (1961–), Chuck Cleaver (1959–), John Erhardt (1960–) and David Morrison (1966–); lyrics, Cleaver

The Ass Ponys are out of Cincinnati and are a perfect example of Midwestern weirdness. As a Midwesterner for my first twenty years (believe me, it never goes away, nor would I want it to) I’ve always found the Midwest to be as strange/weird/uncanny as anywhere in the good old USA, in some ways a little more so. Regarding the grandma in the song, there are tens of millions like her, bless their tens of millions of souls. For me, this song embraces goofiness and celebrating the old folks at home. And it’s deeply satisfying to sing.

  1. Jacek on 1907
  2. Barry Chern on 1907


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